Engagement Summary
NorZinc is committed to developing and operating the Prairie Creek Mine in a manner that contributes to the economic, social, and cultural well-being of the local residents and nearby communities.
Prior to NorZinc Ltd.’s involvement with the Prairie Creek Mine, the surrounding communities had a limited understanding of the Project’s significant existing infrastructure. NorZinc Ltd. first began consultation with the affected parties in 1992, which led to the first cooperative working agreement signed between the Nahanni Butte Dene Band and NorZinc Ltd. in 1996. The Local Map shows the location of the surrounding regional communities in relation to the Prairie Creek Mine. Nahanni Butte is the closest community with an approximate population of 120. Fort Simpson has the largest population with 1,300 residents. Over the past 15 years, NorZinc Ltd. has expanded dialogue with local groups, including Acho Dene Koe Band, Sambaa K’e First Nation, Jean Marie River First Nation, Dehcho First Nations, Village of Fort Simpson, Lindberg Landing, Parks Canada, local businesses, and various members territorial and federal governments.

Sunrise at the Papal Site in Fort Simpson, NT

Dehcho Region Map
Source: Dehcho First Nations